In His Presence
As a kid, my family attended a Catholic church. I believed all churches were the same until I was invited to a Christian church for the first time. For a long time after stepping into a Christian church and feeling God’s presence, I felt that it was not necessary for me to stop attending my Catholic church. I felt that God’s presence could be found anywhere. But the longer that I tried to deny it, as I began attending conferences and midweek services at other churches, something was growing inside me. There was something gnawing at my heart, something was calling my attention. I could feel God calling me deeper. Still, I remained consistent in my belief that I could feel God’s presence at my church. As I continued to be faced with difficulties and challenges, I eventually learned of a bible study at a Christian church I had visited a couple of years before. These bible studies eventually led to our family making that church our home church. There, I began to feel the mo...