
Showing posts from October, 2018

Let's Be The Church

It's crazy how many believers are willing to bring the world into the church—you know, so that we can be more inclusive. I get it. I really do understand the logic behind it. Buuuuuttt, I have only one question. Why can’t we, instead, bring the church to the world? To me, that’s what an inclusive church is all about. It’s about preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world, going to every corner of the earth and bringing the light of JESUS to the darkness!! • Mark 16:15 AMP— “And He said to them, “ Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” There is a dying world out there. God calls us to be fishers of men. That means, we have to be willing to get dirty, smelly, sweat a bit, cast out and catch nothing over and over again. That means that we have to be willing to be persistent and celebrate for every fish we are able to bring to the Father and to keep trying to catch those who are trying to swim away! I’m preaching to myself...