A Powerful Dream

Last night I had a really powerful dream. I knew that it had to mean something and that there was a reason as to why I remembered it so vividly but I hadn't figured out why....until I shared it with my sister. She asked me to write this blog to share it with you and I really hope that it blesses you and that it serves as a strong reminder for us all. Here is what I dreamed:

I went to Walmart in the evening around six o'clock. It wasn't late but it was already dark outside. I saw a couple dancing in the parking lot and I stopped to watch them, as did two other people. The couple asked us to join in and we did for a little while. Out of nowhere, a snake appeared. I took that as my cue to go into the store to get what I came for and go home.

So I entered the loud, busy store and began walking. All of a sudden I found myself in a long, empty, quiet hallway. I had never seen a Walmart in my life with an empty hallway like this. I walked into a restroom and turned on the light. All of a sudden I got a really shaky feeling so I decided that I would go use a different restroom that wasn't so empty. When I turned towards the door there was a very tall man with a heavy build holding the door open with one hand and holding a ski mask with the other. Immediately, I knew what he was thinking about doing.

In that moment I felt as though the Holy Spirit took control of my body and I immediately began to walk towards the man. All I knew was that I had to get out of that bathroom. I began to shake my finger at him and say loudly "No, no, no, no, NO! You are NOT going to do this to me!" The man remained calm with a smirk on his face. In his mind he was probably thinking about how big and powerful he was and how tiny I was. In MY mind, however, that didn't matter. I somehow felt an amazing strength within me. I thought that it was strange that he allowed me to push through him to walk towards the door. All the while I kept saying the same thing over and over again, "No, no, No! You will NOT do this to me!" But he just kept on smiling.

I finally turned around said, "You don't understand. You CANNOT do this to me. Listen! My name is Irma Martinez and I am a mother! I have four kids!" In that moment his facial expression immediately changed and I kept on talking. "My name is Irma Martinez and I am a mother. I have four beautiful kids waiting for me at home. Yes, four kids: Emmanuel, Estella, Emily and Elizabeth! And they are waiting for their mommy to get home!" The man responded, "Why did you say that? You shouldn't have said that. Just go! Go! NOW! I didn't think about that. If more people would say that to people like me we probably wouldn't do the bad things that we do."

And I ran! I ran out of there as fast as I could. I didn't stop until I got to my car and I drove home quickly to hug my husband and my children.

This dream is so representative of each one of our lives and our walk with Christ. The enemy will sneak up on you in the place that you least expect. But how will you react to him? Will you surrender and allow him to create havoc in your life and allow him to hurt you and to smirk at you while you are helpless? Will you crawl into a corner without a fight? Or will you stand up and FIGHT for yourself?! Will you rebuke him and tell him that NO he will NOT hurt you and that he CANNOT because you are the son/daughter of the Most High?! Will you push through him fearlessly, knowing that you have the strength of the Holy Spirit and the support of our Lord and Savior?! We are all important!! We ALL have someone counting on us. Our Heavenly Father is counting on us and expecting us to do great things with our lives. Do not allow the enemy any authority over your life! So how can you do that? By letting him know who YOU are: the daughter/son of our Father in Heaven, and that is the ONLY person who has ANY authority over your life!

In Jesus's name. Amen.

If you've allowed the enemy to attack you, then that is okay. As of this moment, stand up fearlessly and PUSH him out of your way! Get out of that empty hallway and reclaim your worth!! Wipe the smirk off the devil's face! Rebuke him and allow God to take control of your life from this moment forward. No sin is too big for God's forgiveness and there is no expiration date on His grace and love for you.

Remain Blessed,
Irma L. Martinez

*Original Post November 10, 2010
*Edited & Reposted on April 13, 2017


  1. In Genesis, Satan appeared to Eve as a serpent. He came to deceive her and ROB her and Adam of God's full blessings. In Revelation 12:9 the bible shows how the devil come to misguide people."The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray."
    John 10:10 says 'The thief comes ONLY to steal, kill and destroy."
    Your powerful dream is such an eye opener. When that snake appeared, it was an indication that just as the serpent tried to destroy Eve's blessings, the devil wanted to destroy YOUR blessings. The enemy wanted to steal your joy and kill you. But you did a powerful thing. You STOOD up against him and VERBALIZED your confidence. Words are a powerful weapon and in your dream, you let the enemy know who you are!

    We need to ALL do that! Let's allow the enemy to HEAR us stand against him, remind him of WHO we are, and show him that we are not going down without a fight!!

    The devil is very real. He is able to sneak up on us anywhere, even in the simple place of Wal- Mart. But let's remember that God has given us FULL authority to rebuke the enemy and to claim the FULL blessings He has promised to each and every one of us. LEt's show the devil our FAITH in God is real.

    Thanks for sharing this powerful dream Sister!

  2. Thank YOU sister for helping me to connect the dots and encouraging me to write this blog! Words are not enough to express my love and thankfulness for having you in my life. How truly blessed I am.

  3. Wow Irma! This is so good. Thanks so much for sharing! :-)


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