From Deception to Restoration

14 And no wonder, since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. -2 Corinthians 11:14

Today, I would like to touch up on a topic that is very dear to my heart. The devil is very sneaky and devious at his schemes. That is why he is the ultimate author of deception. His lies are so cunning, laced with small pieces of truth and twisted in such a way that we don't realize that we are believing an actual lie. 

Before I fully submitted my life to the LORD, I was a classic case of victim mentality syndrome. I had so much arrogance and pride but I was completely blind and I couldn't see that was what it was. I remember reading bible verses here and there and listening to messages that were being preached where something would just jump out and grab my attention!  I would find myself thinking, "Oh wow! That is so powerful!  I really wish ___________ was here to listen to it! This message is definitely for them!"

Yes. That was definitely me. I was beginning my Christian journey and I had this deep hunger and thirst for knowledge. I loved going to church but almost every time, without fail, that same thought would come across my mind. It took me such a long time to realize that the scripture that jumped out at me while reading my bible or while listening to that message, was for nobody else other than me. What I now realize is that once you make that declaration to follow God... When you are genuine in your efforts to attend church, to go to bible studies and read your bible, there is someone else who is taking notice. There is someone else who gets angry because his job is to steal, kill and destroy the plans that God has for your future. Do not be deceived and fail to realize that Satan is a great force to be reckoned with.

As a kid, many of us grew up seeing the devil as a mean-looking red guy with horns, a tail and a pitchfork. So we naturally tend to believe that we will automatically notice when Satan is in, or near, our presence. We think that Satan will come as an evil-looking creature that we will automatically notice and try to fight off. But that is such a big lie. And you need to realize it now. 

Today, I want you to think long and hard about what lies you may have been believing. Are you going to church and declaring victory over your life and claiming that God is LORD of all and that He sits on the throne and that He is a good, good Father, orchestrating all things in your life to work together for your good? Great! Now, while you are doing that is there also a voice that sneaks in and says, "That situation is too far gone. Your mistakes were too many and that situation is dead and can no longer be resurrected."  All of a sudden, in the midst of your declarations and in the midst of your praise and worship you begin to cry over your past mistakes. You begin to wish that you had met the LORD at a younger age. You begin to cover yourself with another layer of guilt, shame or condemnation...

That happened to me so many times. And guess what?  Because it was something that I had not fully surrendered to God, the enemy could successfully use that lie against me. I now realize that it even led me to pray watered-down prayers.  I would pray and seek God's forgiveness (which had already been given to me) without realizing that my prayers were originating from a place of 99% hope. But God. You see, I continued to seek more of His presence. I continued to allow Him to work in me. I was beginning to act according to faith, not by how I felt. That 99% faith was enough to flame my desire to be in His presence! One weekend, at a church conference God freed me from my pride, anger, guilt, shame, anxiety! God lifted that veil! He unleashed the power of the Holy Spirit within! After that, I was able to recognize what I had been allowing the enemy to steal from me: my peace, my joy and my 100% faith, hope and trust in GOD!!! 

Before that I did have strong faith. I can genuinely say that my faith was at 99% and that I could pray over anybody else's life and declare victory over them, in the name of Jesus!  I would believe 100% that God could and would restore anything that was dead in that person's life. But for me? Well, for me I was believing God to be 99% faithful. Of course, it wasn't something that I realized during that time in my early walk with God. But looking back, I can now see it. And even though 99% faith is great, it also leaves room for the enemy to deceive you. 

We must acknowledge every single day that we are human and weak in the flesh. We cannot be casual about our prayer life. We cannot be casual about our intimate, quiet time with God. We cannot be casual about our praise and worship!  I don't need to be at church to do any of those things. I do them daily!  It is a MUST!  It is a PRIORITY!!! God desires for us to have a passionate, intimate relationship with Him. In order to have such an intimate relationship, it requires that we spend time with Him.

I don't know what dream you've let go of that needs to be resurrected. I don't know what relationship you feel is beyond restoration. I don't know what sickness you've been told that you will have to live with for the rest of your life. I don't know how many of you feel that you have a broken heart that is beyond repair. I declare right NOW for that veil of deception to be lifted, in the name of JESUS!!!!

Let me pray for you:

Dear Lord, I pray for the person who is reading this message today. Father, forgive us for every time that we have allowed ourselves to falsely believe that there is any situation in our lives beyond your power and control. Father, we humbly submit ourselvses to you. Search our hearts, Lord. Remove from our hearts every shred of pride, arrogance, unbelief, anger, resentment, bitterness. Remove all things that are not from you and replace them with what you desire to put in our hearts. Father, we desire more of your presence. Help us to find the time in our day to praise you, to worship you, to pray to you and to simply talk to you as our best friend. We love you. It is in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus that we pray. Amen


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